WeiHang is a professional wholesale caster manufacturer of industrial medium duty caster, heavy duty caster etc.

Covered hospital casters

Covered hospital casters has double pedal brake design for easy on/off function with both total lock and direction. Dual ball heat treaded raceways for added strength.

Total Lock Brake models lock both swivel and wheel rotation, Directional Lock Brake models lock swivel only (helping with steering). Precision ball bearings in wheels for easier roll-ability.Wheels have full thread guards for added protection

This caster for hospital bed, hospital Equipment, IV stands, food trays, and chairs.

medical caster
Weihang Caster Intro to q switched nd yag laser onychomycosis Weihang Caster,The structure of the caster is made up of a single wheel mounted on the bracket, which is used to install under the equipment so that it can move freely.

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